American culture teaches us that we control our own destiny-- that it is in our power to control if we are successful or not. Americans also have the highest rated individualistic mindset over all the other cultures in the world, according to Hofstede's culture study, meaning about the same thing-- that it is up to us to make things happen for ourselves. You see it in our work environments and governments. You have a medical issue? Take care of it without any national aid. You have a personal issue and bail out on work? It's accepted because you took care of yourself first. Every man for himself. How does that translate into our Christian lifestyles? I think it can create some conflict when compared to Biblical truths.
The first issue is that we think that it is on us to control our futures. Life is what we can make for ourselves and work for. However, when we turn our lives over to Jesus we are supposed to hand Him our futures! He actually ends up giving us better than we could have ever planned for ourselves. We are not wise enough to know where the road goes, and to be able to have confidence in our unknown future because of a known God is a beautiful gift. Do not let it go to waste! Giving your entire life up to Jesus is freeing.
Another issue with American culture is that it teaches us that we are all left to our own devices. It completely eliminates any reliance on other people, especially outside your family. It means that if we mess up or fall on hard times, it is up to us to pull ourselves out of it. But the reality of Christ is that He has designed us to live in a community of believers to lift us up in hard times and are always there for us, just like the church in Acts.
I warn you today not to fall into the many cultural traps of America. The "values" we are taught from infancy can get too easily confused with the truth. Don't get me wrong, I love America and am thankful that this is the country I call home, but to think it is without flaws is just plain dumb. Recognize the difference between the world's values and Jesus' values and I pray you choose to live by the latter.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV)
Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. (ESV)
Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (NIV)
The first issue is that we think that it is on us to control our futures. Life is what we can make for ourselves and work for. However, when we turn our lives over to Jesus we are supposed to hand Him our futures! He actually ends up giving us better than we could have ever planned for ourselves. We are not wise enough to know where the road goes, and to be able to have confidence in our unknown future because of a known God is a beautiful gift. Do not let it go to waste! Giving your entire life up to Jesus is freeing.
Another issue with American culture is that it teaches us that we are all left to our own devices. It completely eliminates any reliance on other people, especially outside your family. It means that if we mess up or fall on hard times, it is up to us to pull ourselves out of it. But the reality of Christ is that He has designed us to live in a community of believers to lift us up in hard times and are always there for us, just like the church in Acts.
I warn you today not to fall into the many cultural traps of America. The "values" we are taught from infancy can get too easily confused with the truth. Don't get me wrong, I love America and am thankful that this is the country I call home, but to think it is without flaws is just plain dumb. Recognize the difference between the world's values and Jesus' values and I pray you choose to live by the latter.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV)
Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. (ESV)
Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (NIV)
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