When Jesus' disciples ask Him to elaborate on the parable He has just told, He replies with another similar parable. This part further clarifies that we should be vigilant in doing what we know is right so that we may be rewarded when the time comes. The reason I broke this into two parts is for the last part of this parable.
Jesus goes on to say that those who knew their master's will and did not act on it will be punished more than those who did not know His will and acted the same. This means that there is a far greater responsibility for us to do right when we know what right is. If you are willingly living in sin when you know about the proper alternative, you would be punished greatly if Jesus came today. Those of us who have seen the light are expected to walk in it.
So again I urge you not to wait! If you have known the Lord, do not walk away. Come back to His arms today and live how you know is right. I promise you it will change your life on earth for the better and you will have a place secured in eternity with Him.
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