People spend way too much time speculating the details of the "end times," but the fact is that someday Jesus will return to earth in glory. It doesn't matter how much we hypothesize and think we have an idea of when that will be because the Bible tells us multiple times that no one will know the exact time of His arrival. However, we should be living our lives as if He would show up at any moment.
We tend to assume that we have our tomorrows, next weeks, and five years from now. I think this can give us a tendency to be slow to act. We learn the right ways, but we don't act on it because there is grace and we have time to work it out when we are tired of living in sin, etc. But if Jesus came back today, where would He find you? Would you faithfully doing the things He has commanded, or using "grace" as an excuse to take your time and let yourself live in sin?
Live your life to please Him today. Don't wait and take the chance to be found in the end as someone who never really knew God. Get to know Jesus today and walk in His light and you will find yourself ready at any moment.
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