Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. (ESV)
When you think of a gentleman what comes to mind? A man who holds open doors, pulls out your chair, and helps you with your coat? Whatever your definition is, one thing I think we can agree on is that a gentleman is never pushy. He is "gentle" and meek, respecting all those around him. To me, Jesus is the perfect example of a gentleman.
A gentleman never pushes for his way, but respects your thoughts and opinions even if they disagree with his own. But that doesn't mean that he lets his own beliefs fall to the wayside because of what you believe. Does that not describe Jesus? He waits for us to make our choices, but remains the same perfect, faithful and unchanging God. We were always created to have free will. We have a choice to have a relationship with Jesus, or not. To sin, or not. To love Him, or not. He wants our love without obligation, but by our own choice.
He stands at the door and knocks, we are told. He doesn't bang at the door, kick it down, or break in. He simply knocks and waits to see if you will invite Him inside. Have you let Him in today? Are there areas of your life you've shut Him out of? Listen for that knocking of the Holy Spirit on the walls of your heart today. Give yourself over to the perfect gentleman who is more than suitable to hold your heart. In His arms we are safe and loved. Give yourself over to a loving, open relationship with Jesus Christ.
When you think of a gentleman what comes to mind? A man who holds open doors, pulls out your chair, and helps you with your coat? Whatever your definition is, one thing I think we can agree on is that a gentleman is never pushy. He is "gentle" and meek, respecting all those around him. To me, Jesus is the perfect example of a gentleman.
A gentleman never pushes for his way, but respects your thoughts and opinions even if they disagree with his own. But that doesn't mean that he lets his own beliefs fall to the wayside because of what you believe. Does that not describe Jesus? He waits for us to make our choices, but remains the same perfect, faithful and unchanging God. We were always created to have free will. We have a choice to have a relationship with Jesus, or not. To sin, or not. To love Him, or not. He wants our love without obligation, but by our own choice.
He stands at the door and knocks, we are told. He doesn't bang at the door, kick it down, or break in. He simply knocks and waits to see if you will invite Him inside. Have you let Him in today? Are there areas of your life you've shut Him out of? Listen for that knocking of the Holy Spirit on the walls of your heart today. Give yourself over to the perfect gentleman who is more than suitable to hold your heart. In His arms we are safe and loved. Give yourself over to a loving, open relationship with Jesus Christ.
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