When we are going through struggles the enemy often tells us that we are unworthy of God's grace and mercy. Frankly, he's right. None of us deserve it. But that's the whole point of Christianity! We don't get what we deserve because Jesus took it when He died for us on that cross. Once we accept His free gift our sins are forgiven and forgotten. He died so that we could live in freedom and righteousness as we were always intended to. To do that we need to keep forging ahead with our eyes on Him and stop looking at our mistakes. Too many of us let our unworthiness stop us. We make excuses for ourselves. "When I change this area in my life, then I can commit to Jesus." We have it all backwards! He is the only one who can change us and free us from the sin that so easily ensnares us. We cannot do it without committing to Him. Making those excuses is simply an insult to His gift of the cross. It says that we don't believe that He is enough for us. We...