Over the next few days, I want to explore a topic that is the source of confusion for many Christians today. This very thing had me confused for years and it isn’t something that I’ve often heard explained well. It is the trinity- the belief in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as three separate parts of one entity. Today I will be talking about the Father. Something to understand first is that each part of the trinity maintains a different persona and function but are connected and uniquely one. People have used different analogies to describe how this could be. One is the illustration of water having three parts—solid, liquid, and gas—but each is still water. Another example that I really like is that of a mango tree. You have the roots, the shoot, and the fruit of the tree. The roots of the tree are hidden but go deep and hold the rest of the tree up, along with providing the nutrients from the soil so the rest of the tree can function. The roots...