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Showing posts from October, 2014

Grave Reminders

    In this season, and especially today, we celebrate darkness. It may sound harsh, but essentially we focus on death and evil around Halloween each year. The world's celebration may make Halloween and the supernatural a grey area in our minds, so I want to clear some things up.     We may mistakenly believe that it is okay to contact "the dead" or mess around with "ghosts." I just want to let you know what you are doing in those instances. You are making direct contact with evil, seducing spirits. No good can come from trying to make contact with "the other side" unless it is through Jesus. Satan and his followers can disguise themselves as whatever they please, including angelic beings, and gain your confidence. After which, they will continue to lead you astray.     The other large point I want to make is that when you entertain dark spirits, you invite them to hold a place in your life. When you begin to delve into the world of evil, it very q...

The Crown of Life

    The book of Job is all about a man who lost it all. You would think that it was the consequence of a sinful lifestyle or mistakes that he's made, but you'll find that this story is just the opposite. You probably know that the earth is overrun by Satan and his fallen angels whose one goal is to keep us away from Jesus and take us with them to their eternal death sentence in hell. That in mind, the Bible records a conversation between Satan and God regarding Job and his faithfulness.     The Lord tells Satan how faithful a servant Job is and Satan challenges that. He says that Job would not still love God if He was not protecting him and blessing him like He was. Then God gave Satan permission to test Job's faith. He gave him power over everything Job owned. Satan took everything from Job-- his house, his living, his kids, his wife, etc.     Still after it all, Job refused to blame God. He had such confidence in God's loving character that he praised...

Family of God

    Never underestimate the power of the community of Christ. Being in relationships with other people who know Jesus is crucial to our walk. Each one of us carries a unique perspective and piece of Jesus that only makes sense when you put it all together. It is through Christ's community that we are restored and healed.     Jesus recognized this in His own life on earth. The world tells us often that family is everything, but Jesus said His real family are those who do God's will. You might love your family a lot, but if you rely on them for everything and they don't know Jesus, there is a huge deficit in your life. They cannot offer you the support that can only be filled by God's community. Get involved with a local church who can offer you what you need. Mark 3:31-35   Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside lookin...

Freedom by the Spirit

    I was talking the other day about how things have changed since Christ came along. We no longer live according to the law, but by the life-giving Spirit of Jesus Christ who is working through us. It is easy to believe that when we first meet Jesus, but so tempting to fall into the law after we have converted. This has been a problem since Paul's day and even he told churches not to fall into the trap.     In the passage below, Paul uses circumcision as a prime example. Before Jesus' day, circumcision was the sign of the Jewish faith. All who followed Yahweh were circumcised. But Paul scolds the Galatians saying that you cannot be saved through circumcision or other works of the law. What will change your life truly is living by the Spirit in faith and love. It is the same for us. If anyone tells you Christianity is about works, do not believe them. It is primarily about a relationship with your savior, who then changes your heart and consequently, your actions....

Love is Victorious

Romans 8:31-39 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us. Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.") No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor l...

Laws of the Heart

    Jesus coming to earth was the fulfillment of many prophecies before His time. God gave the law through Moses and the people could not keep it, so He sent Jesus to fill in the gap. Jesus changed everything! He fulfilled the law perfectly without sinning and became the sacrifice for all. But since His coming we do not follow the law the same way.     Before He came, the law of Moses was our only standard of Christian living, but Jesus took things even further. He told us that not only are we to follow the law in what we do, but even down to what we think. He says that it is what is in our hearts that matters just as much as what we actually act out. If you thought the law was difficult to follow, this is impossible!     Fear not. Jesus gave us a way to succeed and follow the law even in our heart. He has given us His Spirit who changes us through relationship. When we get to know Jesus, we are transformed into His image and our desires change thorough...

Enjoy the Process

     When we are in a season of transition, we often want to skip the process. I know I do! I don't mind change, but the waiting in between kills me. But what I (and maybe you also) fail to see is that Jesus is using that time for a greater purpose. He is building our faith and going before us to do what we cannot. He is the one who changes hearts and seasons and only He can do that work.      When we rush the process and try to take on His job, we fail every time. We were never meant to bear that burden. We think we know what's best and what;s coming, but the truth is that we do not. We can't even guess at what He has in store for us. Thank God that He does all the work on our behalf because we would mess everything up!      In the mean time, we need to be patient with the process because that is when we get our reward. Not only will the work have been done on our behalf to get us to that next phase, but we also grow and take on the c...

Tree of Life

    What kind of faith do you have when it comes down to it? How much do you trust the Lord? The Bible repeatedly gives us the brilliant illustration of a tree. When we trust in the Lord we will be like a tree planted by the water, Jeremiah tells us. No matter how warm it gets outside, that tree will be nourished and maintain its green leaves because it is by the water. Jesus provides us with living water. That means that no matter how bad the circumstances of life get, if we trust in Him we know that we can have everything we need and can live our lives without fear.      The other main similarity is that just like a tree, we also bear fruit. We reap what we sow in life and if our faith is genuine, it will be seen through the fruits of our life. Galatians 5 tells us what good fruit looks like. Those things include love, peace, joy, self-control, patience, and many more. If those traits are an active part of your life, that is a solid indicator that you are f...

Words of Wisdom

    It seems like one thing we are always seeking is the proper knowledge it takes on how to handle the different situations life throws. In other words, we are always desiring wisdom. If you are needing some wisdom to handle some things in your life right now, then there is a simple solution-- ask for it.     Desiring wisdom is wise in itself and it is guaranteed that if we ask for it in faith, we will receive it.  In the Old Testament, King Solomon was given the opportunity to ask God for whatever He wanted. He asked for sound judgement and went down in history for his unmatched wisdom. The Lord praised Solomon for his decision of wisdom over wealth, recognition, or other earthly pleasures.      We have access to all the wisdom we need today, if we only ask. It seems too good to be true! And when we ask for wisdom we gain many more gifts just as King Solomon did. Jesus gives more than we could ever deserve and certainly everything we nee...

No Pain No Gain

    When you are experiencing any amount of pain, our first thought is never about how great it is. We avoid pain at all cost and dread experiencing it. So naturally when we are experiencing pain it feels as though God has completely abandoned us. We yell at Him for not answering our prayers and for letting us go through those valleys, but we need to change our outlook.     There are many reasons God allows us to go through painful circumstances. One of the biggest reasons is to test our faith. Do we really believe that He will do what He said He will do even when destruction seems imminent? He always comes through for us when we trust Him, but we have to recognize that His perfect timing is not the timing we would have in mind for ourselves-- He is beyond our tiny vantage point. Like the pain of strengthening your muscles in a work out, He allows us to experience discomfort to strengthen our faith.     Another reason that I want to mention is that He i...

The High Road

    When someone wrongs you it's easy to hold a grudge. We feel justified in holding things against others when we feel they deserve it. We see people losing our trust and think it's okay to not let them inside our lives anymore. All these things are how the world tells us we should live our lives, but not what Jesus tells us.      Jesus tells us to take the hard road-- the high road, if you will. We are called to love those who wrong us just like He loves us when we wrong Him. Why do we think that we have the right to judge others and not give them our forgiveness when we have been forgiven of so much? Jesus died for our sins, yet we cannot even forgive our brothers and sisters of one wrongdoing against us?     I challenge you to do what Jesus would do and to forgive others, over and over again. Love them even when you feel they are least worthy of love. When it's hard to do, remember all that you've been forgiven and the love that Jesus has lavis...

Silver Linings

    I've been talking a lot about being in a place where you feel as though you are surrounded by darkness simply because I think a great many of us are there these days. But the silver lining is how Jesus uses those circumstances to glorify Himself. He uses difficult circumstances to show His greatness.     Just like when we go out into areas with low light pollution to see the true brightness of the stars, Jesus' light shines so brightly in contrast with the darkness of the world. His strength shows truest when we are weakest. You needn't look hard to see the light of Jesus-- but you will only see it if you are looking for it.     Remember also that you offer that same light to others who haven't experienced Christ. We carry His presence with us at all times, making us torch bearers for the rest of the world. Be aware of what's going on with those around you and let His light shine through you and offer a bit of hope to those who are needing it today,...

Rise Up

     There is undoubtedly evil in this world we inhabit. We all suffer because of it. When we coexist with our enemy this is the reality we face. Even so, we know that Jesus has defeated death and darkness. For us who know Him, it is only a matter of time before we are in paradise free from it all. But what about while we are here?     Jesus provides everything we need to make it through this lifetime before the next. Through Him we have peace in every circumstance, unconditional love in a conditional world, rest in the chaos, and hope in the midst of hopelessness. He takes what Satan intends for evil and turns it around for our good. He makes beauty of our ashes.      In the chaos of this world, remember that you have peace. Remember that Jesus is working all things together for your good. You will rise from the ashes beautifully and victoriously in Jesus. Cling to Him and let Him carry you to the finish line. Galatians 5:22-23 But ...

The Good Shepherd

    If a parent loves a child, it is true that they will discipline them. Why? Because proper discipline keeps your children safe and teaches them how to make good decisions. No one likes to see an undisciplined child running wild and wreaking havoc. In the same way, our Heavenly Father disciplines us.     The Lord gives us "rules" through the Bible not to restrict our lifestyles, but to keep us safe. He wants the best for us and has to teach us the right way to live like any Father. Do not take the Lord's discipline as a bad thing. When you hear the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit, humbly heed His words of direction. Do not waste much time on guilt and shame, but take that instruction and apply it to your life. When you go through difficult circumstances, think of it as direction from the Lord. He uses those times to guide us and strengthen us.     Remember that God only disciplines those He loves. He deeply loves you and I or He would not keep us ...

Sweet Revenge

    In our society it is a widely accepted idea that people get what they deserve. If someone did you wrong, you have every right to get them back. We giggle at stories where the cheating boyfriend is done in by the ex-girlfriend, etc. It's routine. However, it is absolutely not Biblical. I find that it can be extremely confusing when an idea is that is so widely accepted by the world is directly opposed to the Bible. That's how Satan operates. We have to be extremely vigilant in what we accept as truth to live by. I believe this is a good example of that.     Sweet revenge is something the world thrives off of, but if we strive to live out our faith we should never participate in it. Jesus tells us that we are supposed to continue to do good to those who hurt us. If they slap us in the face, we should offer them the other cheek. We never should take it upon ourselves to get our own revenge. What we sow, we reap and Jesus is the one who determines that.   ...

The Promised Land

    When we go through the storms of life it is hard to take our eyes off the circumstance. We know that we need to trust God, but it is so difficult to do when the world seems to be crashing down all around you. When things first start to go awry we think, "Ok God-- you can handle this," but as things start to look worse and worse, our faith may begin to do the same.     We have to remember in those times that our God doesn't change. His character is the same as it has always been. He doesn't go back on His promises and He is true to His word. We know that Jesus will come through for us if we continue to have faith in His unfailing character. Just like Yahweh did not leave the Israelites in the dessert but followed through with the promised land. And yet, they did have to wait the full forty years before they inherited their blessings. Just like He promised Abraham a son, but Isaac did not come for many years-- so it is for us!     God's timing is not ...

Perfect Love

    Why do we waste our time daydreaming about perfect people when we know they don't exist? What we also should know is that we have that fantasy available to us right now. Jesus is everything you could ever need and He fills up those holes in our hearts. He is the perfect person you long for to make you whole and only He can fulfill that position in your life.     Don't think of Christianity as rules and regulations-- but think of it as a loving relationship with that person you long for. Don't read the Bible as if it were a textbook, but as a love letter. That's what it's really all about. If you give yourself over to Jesus Christ in an intimate, loving relationship it will change your entire existence and even affect those around you.     Love Him above everything and everyone else and watch how love flows healthily in your life. You'll be amazed at how that simple interaction changes lives. Don't waste your time looking for love in places wher...

A Hopeful Future

    Let's be honest-- there are some days when life seems impossible and we don't know how we will make it through another day. All I want to say to you is to keep moving forward. Don't think that God isn't aware of your struggles because He knows them well and He is still Lord over everything that is going on.     God isn't making you struggle, but He uses those struggles in life to draw us closer to Him. Remember that Jesus lived out 33 years on earth. He knows what it's like here. He was tempted and struggled with all the same things we do. He has first hand experience of life in a world under the dominion of the enemy.     Don't think that Jesus has forgotten you or where you are at. He sees you and He also sees the way out. Don't let go of His hand, but allow Him to lead you through the storm and when you are feeling discouraged know that He has overcome the world, and so shall we. Only through Him is there hope for the hopeless. John 16:33 ...


    It is easy to feel undervalued and to struggle with knowing that we are loved and appreciated. It can lead to a lot of heartbreak and sadness in this world through our trying to do things that earn that love and acknowledgement we crave so much. But we are forgetting one huge detail that changes all that-- we already have it.     We are so loved by our creator who wants nothing more than a relationship with us. He expresses His love to us through many different venues. It is important to remember one in particular-- He created you . It wasn't your parents who determined your existence and it wasn't an accident. He knew what He was doing when He made you and everything about you was purposeful. Even the parts of yourself that you don't necessarily like!     He knit you together in the womb before your mother even knew she was pregnant with you. He knows every detail about you because that's the way He made you. You are a masterpiece in the eyes of yo...

Always a Yes

    How do we know that God will answer our prayers? When we are praying for things we usually consider that God will not answer any prayers outside of His will, but how do we determine His will? Well, for most circumstances our first check is to see if what we are asking for aligns with scripture. Jesus never fails to answer a faith-filled prayer that is within His promises to us.     Always ask yourself first if your prayers align with God's promises. Research what the Bible say about your circumstances. If you have already done so, I want to encourage you that if the prayer you've been waiting to get answered is within God's promises to you-- have faith that it will be fulfilled when the time is right. Until then trust in Jesus's perfect timing. 2 Corinthians 1:19-20 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us—by me and Silas and Timothy—was not “Yes” and “No,” but in him it has always been “Yes.” For no matter how many promises God ha...

Here and Now

    Worship conferences, mission trips, revival gatherings, etc. all bring in people from around the world hoping to experience Christ. Many believers show up to get a special encounter with God. They think that these things will give them a fresh revelation that they would not otherwise have access to.     While those things are all well and good, I think that people can use these attractions to chase a ghostly impression of the Holy Spirit. Why do they believe that they have to go looking for Jesus when He is right here with us all the time? When we are born again He lives in us . We do not serve some elusive God that requires us to come search for Him only in the holiest of places. He goes where we go. We take Him with us everywhere.     If you are seeking God there is no reason that you won't find Him. You don't have to go look for signs and wonders or some gigantic conference to find Him. He is there even when you don't feel Him, if only you'll lo...

How Low Can You Go

    The large chunk of scripture below is a lesson in leadership we all should hope to learn. When we are put into or seeking leadership roles in any aspect of our lives, we should lead as Christ did. The word, "humble" doesn't even scratch the surface. If I had to pick the most important characteristic of leadership, I strongly believe it is humility.      If you don't have a humble heart like Jesus, you aren't ready for leadership. When most people get into leadership roles it becomes a power trip for them. They become dictators who believe they can just look good and get all the accolades and attention while only doing the most "respectable" jobs. However, leadership is all about the dirty work. Who are we to think that we are above anything? In Jesus time, washing feet was saved for the lowest of lows, yet the King of the Universe lowered Himself not only to the form of man, His own creation, but then went as low as to wash the feet of His own f...

The Battle is Won

    We all want to be loved. Some of us go to extremes to make sure that we don't cause any conflict with others and that everyone likes us.  If you're like that, I hate to burst your bubble but you are in the wrong. Christianity unites, but it also divides. If you aren't making a few enemies here and there then your walk may be insincere.     Jesus is the name that divides. Either you love Him or you hate Him and there is rarely an in-between. When we are actively and genuinely walking out our faith we become targets of the enemy. The thing is, if you are not a Christian and therefore under the rule of Jesus you are by default under the rule of Satan whether you know it or not. So Christians walking the walk are especially prone to some disagreements and persecution from nonbelievers.     We are called into a life of persecution and suffering along with Christ. When you go through trials and unjust circumstance, consider it an honor. Know that Jes...

Don't Judge Me

    "Don't judge me" we say as we grab that extra cookie or cut loose on the dance floor. It seems that phrase has engrained itself into our vocabulary. But why are we so fixated on the judgment of others? It can be paralyzing at times and can even dictate the way we live our lives. Many of us are so focused on how the world tells us to live that we are unable to live freely in Christ.     I challenge that mentality. I challenge Christians to think not by the world's standards, but by God's. He created each one of us as a unique work of art. There is no one else that could take your place. We were all created in God's image and He has deposited a unique part of Himself in every single one of us, as all artists do. God is so multifaceted that His character cannot be fully seen in just one of us, although He lives on the inside of every born again Christian on earth.     Next time you think about what others will think of you, stop yourself. Think of how ...

Building Up and Moving Forward

    When we talk to those who are struggling through tough circumstances or with their faith, what do we do for them? We may feel helpless hearing about their struggles but there are some simple things you can do to help others. The body of Christ is supposed to lift each other up and encourage one another to move forward. Are you fulfilling that duty?      The first and most important thing you can do when you hear about someone's difficult circumstance is to pray-- and actually do it . In Christian culture we often throw out the phrase, "I'll pray for you" but how often do we actually follow through? We mean well by it but we often get distracted and forget. Do what you have to to make sure you are praying. Write a reminder to yourself or pray right then and there! Jesus hears you anytime, anywhere. Pray and invite Him to intervene in the situation. Next, we should encourage them with God's truth. Let them know that it will all be okay and remind them of wh...

The Gift of the Cross

    Do Christians get special treatment? Does God love them more than He loves non believers? After hearing and being asked questions like these, I think it's time for some clarification. How does the relationship between believers and God look versus nonbelievers?     The first think we need to understand is yes, Christians do get special "treatment" or "benefits" from God. This is because of Jesus. When God the Father sent His son to earth, He was born into this world without the nature to sin. Therefore, He lived out His life without ever breaking the law. He was perfect and unworthy of death because death is a consequence of sin. He then became the sacrifice for our sins so that we would be able to have eternal life. But along with that comes all the other privileges of sonship. The Father now views us through the lens of Jesus, as if we have never sinned. We are allowed the same gifts the Father gave His son, including His very Spirit, the Holy Spirit, w...

Focus on the Facts

    Think for a moment about the biggest hardship in your life right now. Now, think about how big your God is. Which is bigger in your mind? Which one rules your thinking most? If honest answer is your struggles, then your perspective is warped from what it should be. We should never view our problems as insurmountable.     The Bible says that nothing is impossible with God. Why is that so easily forgotten in our minds? We've seen God work on our behalf before, we've heard testimonies of Him working in others lives, and we've read the stories in the Bible that display His greatness, but we still can't get over the hardships of life. I believe it is all about our focus. If we were truly focused on the greatness and the power of Jesus, we wouldn't worry. Remember who you are serving.     When we pay attention to what we are letting our mind dwell on, it can change everything. Letting yourself focus on the difficult circumstances in life takes your attent...

One at a Time

    Christianity doesn't look appealing on the outside. If you told someone that Christianity meant following a God who rose from the dead and tells us to stay away from all the "fun," sinful things of the world in order to avoid an eternal fire pit, they wouldn't likely see the point. That's the issue. People don't understand Christianity and Christians rarely know how to teach it. Yet we were called to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. How do we do that successfully?     One thing we need to remember in sharing Jesus with others is that it isn't about the rules or telling people they will go to hell without Him. Before you even open your mouth about your faith, your job should be to show them your faith. If your faith is genuine, you will have been changed just by knowing Jesus. You won't be like the rest of the world. Those are things that people recognize and admire. By showing them Jesus as He lives through you, you are opening a door f...

Forgiving Yourself

    Life is full of mistakes. We will never be perfect and that's why we needed Jesus to be perfect for us. When we do make mistakes, we can't keep beating ourselves up. It is so easy to get anxious and upset over the little (or big) messes we make. That's just where the enemy wants us! Satan wants you to focus all your energy into think about how awful you are instead of how wonderful and perfect Jesus is.     When you get into those dark places in your mind thinking about all that you've done wrong, the only way to combat it is to remind yourself of the truth. The truth is that when we repent, Jesus forgives us of our sins. If you have truly recognized your wrongdoing and turned from it, then Jesus will forgive you. The Bible tells us that He has forgotten our sins. Why do we insist on reminding Him and ourselves? That is simply not God's will for our lives. Lastly, when we do mess up there is grace for our actions. God is so much bigger than anything we could d...

Living in You

    When we are born again Jesus' Spirit actually comes to live inside of us. We are filled with His perfection and His attributes. We have access to all the blessings that Jesus has from His Father. We have His favor, His knowledge, His wisdom, His understanding, everything is given to us freely.    We forget that we have access to all these things through Jesus Christ. If we allow Him to work through us like we are designed to, it takes all the pressures of life off our shoulders. He carries our burdens for us and works through us in His perfection so that we don't have to.     Whatever you're dealing with today, remember that you have the power of Jesus Christ living on the inside of you. Invite Him into your situations to give you the wisdom and strength you need to succeed. We were never meant to do this life on our own. Rely on the Spirit inside of you today instead of putting pressure on yourself. 1 Corinthians 3:16 Don't you realize that all ...

Clean Slate

        It is on our humanity to get caught up in the mistakes of the past, but the Bible tells us that He is making all things new, even us. When we follow Jesus, we become new in Him. We are reborn and spiritually new creatures. He begins to transform us from the inside out! The true mark of being a devoted follower of Jesus is that you are not the same as you once were.     The most remarkable part of it all is that we don't have to do anything but seek Him, and He does the rest. We are changed not by trying our hardest, but simply from His presence. Like getting a tan from the sun, we are changed just by standing in the light of the Son. Jesus never focuses on our failures and disappointments, but loves us through it all.     Let His newness surround you today. Today is a new day. He is not counting all your mistakes so don't get caught doing that yourself. Instead, focus on the one who is perfect for you and let yourself shine in the ligh...